Friday 27 September 2013

AS1-T2-In-camera editing

In camera editing is a way editing videos, filmmakers will video the scenes in which order they wish to see the video, this is very risky as you do not post camera editing and everything needs to run smoothly from the first shot, this is why many filmmakers do not like the idea of in camera editing. However this technique was used in early cinema , as many didn't use splicing, which was putting two clips together, this technique was mainly used by George Melies which was portrayed in 1896 in the film called 'The vanishing lady, as shown below.

In the video that my group created whilst using in camera editing, which is the video above. There were many different shots, that we used. In the first shot we had David walk down the stairs, we then continued this in the next shot by positioning the camera at the bottom of the stairs and had David walk down the second set of stairs.

In the next shot we positioned the camera outside the build as we made it look like after David had walked down the stairs he had left the building as we filmed him walking outside the building doors. This made it look like a continuation of the previous shot.

In the next shot i am introduced as i walk around the corner to meet david, we then engage in some dialogue and discuss where we are going to go , we then agree where we are gonna go and then walk towards the destination. We then walk towards the destination and walk around the corner.

In the next shot we make it continuos by positioning the camera behind me and david walking down the sidewalk , this then creates the effect that both shots are related as it is continued. We then walk down towards the nd of the side walk.

The next shot is in the opposite direction around the corner from the end of the side walk, in this shot you see me and David walk around the corner from the sidewalk, which suggests

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